![](/images/spacer.gif) | ![](/images/spacer.gif) |
1-9 | |
2D Animation | Visual representations created with width and height. Examples include photos, photo-simulations, video, and most AutoCAD plans and sections. |
2.5D Animation | Similar in some respects to 3D animation, animated photo simulations do not require extensive environmental modeling. Using a locked-down and view-matched camera, a photo simulation is used for the background. 3D objects (cars, people, etc.) move across the camera's view. |
2D to 3D Conversion | 2D representation such as a building plan can be extruded into a 3D object. |
3D to 2D Image Compositing | Combine 3D layers into a single scene, or incorporate 3D content into 2D composites. |
3D Object | A realistic object that can be viewed from any angle - top, bottom, and all sides. |
3D Model | Unlike a physical model, 3D models are virtual. Built from either AutoCAD plans or from sketches, 3D models use X, Y, and Z coordinates to produce an object in three dimensions. |
3D Computer Animation | 3D animation involves the use of a 3D model. A virtual camera views the 3D model from a single point with 3D objects moving around it, or an "animated" camera moves through the 3D model; within the model, other objects may be animated. 3D animation requires a greater amount of effort and an "environment" to fill out the space around the model. |
3D Rendering | A still 2D image produced from a view of a 3D model. |
3D to 2D Image Compositing | Combine 3D layers into a single scene, or incorporate 3D content into 2D composites. |
4D | Visual representations created in 3D that also include the element of time passing (schedule). |
5D | Visual representations created in 3D that also include the elements of time (schedule) and budget expenditure. |
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A | |
Access | A specific type of interaction between a subject and an object that results in the flow of information from one to the other. |
Advisory Committees | A group of representative stakeholders assembled to provide public input to the planning process. |
Animatic | A rough animation used to get the feeling of what will take place in the scene. Typically uses a volumetric or wire frame 3D model with little or no texture mapping or lighting. |
Animation | Rapid display of a sequence of images of 2D or 3D artwork or model positions in order to create an illusion of movement; Animations can be 2D or 3D. |
Artistic Style | Depending on the communication needs of the project or the preferences of the client, different artistic styles can be used to complete the sketch/illustration. This may include marker rendering, watercolor or colored pencil. Artistic style also includes the quality of the line work - rough, loose or sharp. |
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) | Windows format for saving video with sound |
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B | |
Briefings | Regular meetings of social and civic clubs and organizations that provide an opportunity to inform and educate. |
Buffer and Corridor Operations | GIS operation used to determine area of influence of the feature. |
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C | |
Camera | Similar to the function of an actual camera, the camera in 3D defines the portion of the design that is displayed when using perspective projection. |
Camera Position | When using the view camera, the position from which the model is viewed. |
Compositing | Layering two or more video or digital elements into a single frame or animation. |
CGI(Common Gateway Interface | A standard for running external programs from a Web http server (computer); for example, a CGI script written in PERL can take information from a Web user, access a database of information, and return a customized Web page displayed for the user. |
Coffee Klatches | Small meetings within a neighborhood, usually at a person's home. |
Compositing | Layering two or more video or digital elements into a single frame or animation. |
Connectivity Operation | A GIS operation that measures the richness of linkages between locations (nodes) along a network (a transportation network is the most obvious example). |
Consensus Building Techniques | Techniques for building consensus on project decisions such as criteria and alternative selection. |
Content Gathering | the process of gathering all the necessary resources for the project. This includes photographs, charts, graphs, music, video, logos, and drawings. |
Context Model | Provides some information about the surrounding environment of the project site. |
Cropping | Trimming, removing, or deleting part of an image. |
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D | |
Design | Generating the graphical look for the video and how it will move about the screen. This includes incorporating the content into the designs, and making the designs 'animation ready'. |
Design Charrettes | Intensive session where participants re-design project features. |
DPI (Dots Per Inch) | Print or display resolution expressed in number of points per one inch. |
Drainage/Network Operation | GIS operation that computes the water flow from one or more locations. |
Drawing Layers | Information to be stored and organized in different layers within one file. |
Dynamic Alerts | Notification when user-set thresholds are crossed. |
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E | |
Empowerment | To invest with power, especially legal power or official authority. |
Engagement | The act of engaging or the state of being engaged. |
Equity | The state, quality or ideal of being just, impartial and fair. |
Eraser Tool | Removes area of artwork, either in pixels or vectors. |
Expert Panels | Media panel interviews experts from different perspectives. |
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F | |
File Formats | Information of a digital file is stored in various file extensions. Examples include: .pdf (Adobe Portable Document Format), and .dwg (Auto Cad Drawing File). |
Focus Group | Message testing forum with randomly selected members of target audience. |
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) | An Internet protocol used to transfer files between computers or users; FTP is accomplished automatically with browser software or manually with specialized software. |
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G | |
Geographic Scale | The spatial boundaries within which a given analysis will take place. |
Geometry | Type of entity that defines physical shapes, including points, curves, surfaces, solids and relations. |
GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) | One of several universally recognized formats for pictures and other graphics displayed over the web. |
GIS, Geographic Information System: | A system for capturing, storing, analyzing and managing data and associated attributes which are spatially referenced tot he earth. |
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H | |
Hill-shading Operation | Lighting effect is added to a map based on elevation variations within the landscape. |
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I | |
In-Person Survey | One-to-one "focus groups" with standardized questionnaire or methodology such as "stated preference". |
Interactive Model | The ability to navigate, toggle on/off or through alternatives within a project deliverable. Interactive deliverables are usually in the form of a web site, interactive CD/DVD or real time 3D model. |
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J | |
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) | One of the two most popular image formats for displaying pictures and graphics on the Web. JPEG files (sometimes denoted as JPG) are full 24-bit images that support millions of colors. |
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L | |
Lighting | Similar to cameras in a 3D model, lights can also be positioned, pointed, and animated. |
Live Trace | Quickly and accurately converts photos, scans or other images to editable and scalable vector path. |
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M | |
Mapping | The process of creating a representation of a specific place. |
Mesh Creation and Editing | 3D object representation consisting of a collection of vertices and polygons. |
Music/Audio Editing | Combining all audio into a base timeline. This includes voiceover, music, and sound effects. |
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O | |
Open Houses | An open house to allow the public to tour at their own pace. The facility should be set up with several stations, each addressing a separate issue. Resource people guide participants through the exhibits. |
Overlay Operation | GIS operation in which layers with a common, registered map base are joined on the basis of their occupation of space. |
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P | |
Panoramic | A wide aspect rendering or a series of photographs stitched together to show a view outside of the normal cone of vision. |
Participation | Different means for the public to directly engage in political, economical or management decisions. |
Path Editing | Removing, connects and/or splits paths on a vector. |
Photo Simulation | Using manipulated photographs and montages to show future designs. |
Plug-in for Other Applications | Application that works with another host application that has been developed specific uses. |
Point alignment | Aligns and distributes anchor points along a line you specify, for example distributing trees along a street line. |
Post production | Exporting the entire video to the appropriate output(s). This includes burning to CD, VHS and/or Beta tape, also making the appropriate amount of copies, printing labels and packaging for final delivery. |
Print Compatible | Able to easily send image to printer for hard copy production. |
Profiles to Support the Color-Blind | Creates soft proofs of your images using Color Universal Design Organization Profiles. |
Public | Of, concerning, or affecting the community or the people: the public good. |
Public Hearings | Formal meetings with scheduled presentations offered. |
Public Involvement | Public inclusion and participation in projects. |
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Q | |
Query Data | Able to ask questions and perform analysis on data. |
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R | |
Real-time Feedback | Results to questions asked to a group are displayed instantly. |
Reclassification Operation | Technique used to re-assign values in an input raster layer to create a new raster layer. |
Rendering | To produce an image of a 3D model that looks more realistic than a wireframe image. Includes hidden line and surface shading. |
Resolution | The clarity of the displayed/ printed image. The more pixels(dots) per square inch (dpi), the finer the detail or higher resolution. |
Resources and Materials | Items that must be purchased for the project. This includes photo CD's, music, labels, VHS tapes, blank CD's, packaging materials, and shipping costs. |
Response Sheets | Mail-in-forms often included in fact sheets and other project mailings to gain information on public concerns. |
Role-Playing | Participants act out characters in pre-defined situation followed by evaluation of the interaction. |
Route Planning | Plans a route from point to point within specified constraints. |
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S | |
Samoan Circle | Leaderless meeting that stimulates active participation. |
Script | A document written specifically for voice-over recording in a video. The script helps determine the length of the video as well the tone of the spoken word to tell the story. |
Shortest Path Operation | The path, among possibly many, between two points which has the shortest traversal distance. |
Simulation Games | Exercises that simulate project decisions. |
Slope/Aspect Operation | Identifies the steepest down slope direction from each cell to its neighbors. |
Storyboard | A timeline that visually identifies key components of a video; the storyboard may include photographic content, textual messaging, and camera angels. |
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T | |
Task Forces | A group of experts or representative stakeholders formed to develop a specific product or policy recommendation. |
Texture Mapping | Image files applied to a 3D geometry to give the look and feel of a specific material. |
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) | A cross-platform for storing high-quality graphics. |
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U | |
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) | A standard for specifying an object on the Internet, such as a Web page, file or newsgroup; a URL is like an Internet "address," such as http://www.newhope.com and mailto:wizard@indra.com. |
Usability | The effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction with which users can achieve tasks in an online environment. High usability means a system is: easy to learn and remember; efficient, visually pleasing and fun to use; and quick to recover from errors. |
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V | |
Video Capture | Recording video on camera for the required moving pictures in a video project. |
View Match | The process of setting a 3D camera into a model to match that of the background image photo. Requires using objects in the photo and existing 3D information to get an accurate view match. Lights are also set up using a similar process to imitate those in the photograph. |
Viewshed Operation | GIS operation of an area that is visible from a specific location based on elevation values of a digital elevation model. |
Virtual Reality | A technology which allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment. |
Voiceover | A professional voice recording of the script. |
Volumetric Model | Geometrically simplified model that reflects the basic volume of an object. |
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W | |
Walk Through/ Fly Through | Virtual tour of a place either from the viewpoint at eyelevel or overhead. |
Wire Frame Model | A display mode in which surfaces are displayed as their outlines, and elements behind surfaces are displayed as though the surfaces did not exist. |
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