There is a persistent need for improved tools and techniques to facilitate public involvement in transportation decision making.
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Description: As part of the Wychwood Project in West Oxfordshire, England, aerial photography and historic maps are being used to reconstruct landscape change in the former medieval Royal Hunting Forest of Wychwood. An important objective of the project is to stimulate local interest in Wychwood and promote understanding of its evolution, thereby encouraging the support of stakeholders in the design of future landscapes.
Citation: McClure, Joanne T. "Historic Landscape Reconstruction and Visualization, West Oxfordshire, England." Transactions in GIS, 2002, Volume 6(1)
Description: Visual communication is a well-established way of trying to overcome this barrier, and while computer visualization, particularly that based on GIS databases, is a fast-emerging part of that field, relatively little research has been done to investigate how an audience might relate to such images, and what factors might influence them. The research behind this paper attempts to identify the most important issues regarding the use of such visualizations with the public, using a set of visualizations for a real project in Norwich, UK, with a series of interviews with planners and other related professionals.
Citation: Appleton, Katy. "GIS-based visualization of development proposals: reactions from planning and related professionals." Computers, Environment and Urban Studies, 2005, Volume 29 (3).
Description: Some have successfully integrated GIS and simulation modeling or GIS and computer visualization; few have met the challenge of integrating the three technologies intone system in order to support planning and decision-making. In an effort toward reaching this goal, a prototype traffic impact analysis system has been developed.
Citation: Wang, Zinha. "Integrating GIS, Simulation models and visualization in traffic impact analysis." Computers, Environment and Urban Studies, 2005, Volume 29 (4)
Description: The objective of this paper is to present a GIS-based multivariate application for land suitability assessment with a public participation base. The approach takes into account the issues and concerns of the stakeholders, and employs a multivariate statistical procedure for classifying land units into land suitability groups, according to sectoral interests. Sets of spatial algorithms are incorporated into a GIS database to identify such groups.
Citation: Bojorquez-Tapia, Luis A. "GIS-based approach for participatory decision making and land suitability assessment." International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 2001, Volume 15 (2).
Description: The authors are concerned with the provision of public sector geographic information (GI) and the use of GI technologies (GITs) within public administration websites, with particular reference to planning. Results of a survey carried out by the authors on an Italian case study are evaluated with respect to the GI content and technology adopted. A rapid evaluation method is proposed to analyze and compare GI/GIT-diffusion frameworks within public administration at the national level.
Citation: Campagna, Michelle. "Evaluating geographic information provision within public administration websites." Environment and Planning B, 2004, Volume 31 (1).
Description: A prototype decision support tool is described which provides options for the management of existing green spaces and for the establishment of new green space in suburban neighborhoods. The developed prototype decision support tool has been coded as an ArcView GIS extension and provides the opportunity to model and evaluate future scenarios better aligned to principles of sustainable community development. Three applications of this tool are discussed to illustrate some of the benefits of undertaking a range of neighborhood greening strategies.
Citation: Randall, Todd A. "A GIS-based decision support system for neighborhood greening." Environment and Planning B, 2003, Volume 30 (4)
Description: This paper presents a review and interpretation of the development of geoportals in the United Kingdom. We describe the sources and levels of UK central government support for e-government, and the ways in which these have been used, alongside existing sources of spatial framework data, to develop geoportals.
Citation: Beaumont, Peter. "Geographic information portals - a UK perspective." Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2005, Volume 29 (1).
Description: This paper presents a workable GIS-based approach that can be used to assess the impacts of a transportation system change on minorities and low-income residents. The authors focus specifically on two adverse affects: vehicle-generated air pollution and noise. The buffer analysis capabilities of GIS provide a preliminary assessment of environmental justice. Existing environmental pollution models are integrated with GIS software to identify the specific locations where noise and air pollution standards could be violated because of the proposed system change Chakraborty, Jayajit. "Using GIS to Asses the Environmental Justice Consequences of Transportation System Changes." Transactions in GIS, 1999, Volume 3 (3).