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Research and Reference Library

There is a persistent need for improved tools and techniques to facilitate public involvement in transportation decision making.

Non Profit and Community Sites

Institute for Transportation & Development Policy
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) was founded in 1985 to promote environmentally sustainable and socially equitable transportation worldwide.

International Association of Public Participation
IAP2 is an international association of members who seek to promote and improve the practice of public participation in relation to individuals, governments, institutions, and other entities that affect the public interest in nations throughout the world.

People and Participation
The site aims to be a central portal for information and inspiration about participation to practitioners across the world. We believe that the methods and principles we promote through these sites will be of use to people in the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Railway Technology
This site, with its blend of news, analysis and special in-depth reports, gets straight to the heart of issues affecting the working lives of people dealing with technology in the railway industry.

Transportation Research Board
TRB is one of six major divisions of the National Research Council— a private, nonprofit institution that is the principal operating agency of the National Academies in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineering communities.

Transportation TV
This site includes current online videos about transportation, sponsored by AASHTO.

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